Therapeutic Session

We offer various types of therapeutic sessions
to help you release stress and tension from your body and mind, including

Stress Release Body Sessions

  • From the front of the body: focusing on the hands, lungs, heart, stomach, lower abdomen, and uterus or pelvic area.
  • From the front of the body and legs, including the pelvic area.
  • From the back of the body: targeting the hands, heart muscles, and upper to lower back.
  • From the back of the body: focusing on the legs and lower back, including the coccyx area.

Head Pressure Release Sessions

Focusing on the forehead, temples, pineal gland, and back of the head

Chakra Cleansing and Balancing Sessions

  • From the front of the body: focusing on the chakras located in the front.
  • From the back of the body: targeting the chakras located in the back.

Giant Cupping Sessions

Using colorful cups charged with the beautiful names of Allah to help you feel grounded and balanced.


Our Services

We are thrilled to provide you with an array of services designed to elevate your quality of life. Experience the following transformative sessions that are tailored to meet your needs and bring you utmost satisfaction.

Client Testimonials

  • Reem Abdullah
    "Asalamu alykum. I came with my mom and sister today to try out these sessions. I found the results to be very out of this world. I feel so good and encourage others to try them out! You’ll feel something change from within you."
    Reem Abdullah
  • Renad Abdullah
    "Asalamu alykum. I am currently a high school senior. As many of you know, we are now entering the final exams and getting ready to test. There is a lot of stress attached to these exams. I needed to renew and relax before taking the exams so I started looking around for a means to destress. I came across Sound Therapy services and am very much appreciative that I did. It’s only 30 minutes of your time, but the results are great!".
    Renad Abdullah
  • Rafaa Mohammed
    "I am a Bank Manager in Kuwait, and a mother of 4. Without doubt, just like many people, my life can get very stressful sometimes, what with work, family, and taking care of everyday needs. This put me under a lot of physical, mental and psychological stress. As a result, I started to search for a means to get me out of these stressors. I came across these services and have found tremendous change and benefit in them. It’s only a 30 minute session, but there is great benefit to them. It takes you from one world to another. I have found that I am less stressed than before and am enjoying life more. Without hesitation, I encourage everyone to give Sound Therapy a try."
    Rafaa Mohammed